Dostępna jest kolejna wersja JomSocial – beta 3, jeśli wierzyć oficjalnym komunikatom – stabilna wersja 2.2.2 pojawi się już za 4 dni, a więc 16 maja. Poprawiona w tej wersji ilość błędów znów jest imponująca (o czym poniżej). Oczywiście na tapecie zostało im kilka „drobiazgów” do poprawienia, jednakże w większości są to błędy, które raczej nie utrudniają życia. Jednakże jeśli masz uruchamiać serwis warto się wstrzymać te kilka dni, chyba że masz ciśnienie ze strony klienta, albo terminy.

Przy okazji znów zaktualizowałem spolszczenie, aby poprawić je pod kątem nowej wersji, tym samym ilość błędnych i za długich zwrotów znacząco zmalała. Myślę, że zbliżyłem się do ideału. Także osoby, które kupiły ostatnio spolszczenie będą zadowolone z efektu końcowego.

Oto lista wprowadzonych poprawek w nadchodzącej edycji 2.2.2:

Lista aktywności
Enhancement : 5488 : Option to use target=_blank for all external links
Performance enhancement : 5494 : Add index to comment id and type ins stream table
Enhancement : 5512 : Small revision of the custom message’s phrase
Enhancement : 5549 : Enhance activities auto updater
Performance enhancement : 5552 : Add index to user alias
Bug : 5485 : Link to album in comment stream is hard-coded, hence does not follow changes to SEF setting
Bug : 5511 : Frontpage Activity stream missing 'Read More’ if 'Me & My Friends’ is set as Default
Bug : 5514 : 'Show More-Activity Stream’ in Profile page does not show anything for Visitors/Non-Friends
Bug : 5526 : Activity stream structure for wall posts
Bug : 5542 : Missing 'reply’ link in stream comment for site admin
Bug : 5564 : Setting Activity Stream Date Style to 'Fixed’ produces error

Enhancement : 5535 : Prevent potential crash if storage data type is corrupted
Enhancement : 5538 : SEF url will follow backend unicode aliases setting
Bug : 5489 : Link generator’s nofollow and target setting not followed
Bug : 5498 : Untranslated &rsaquo

Bug : 5507 : Missing strings in Twitter App
Bug : 5518 : Plugin title clash if it has the same element name as other non-community plugin

Enhancement : 5528 : Change „API Key” to „Application ID”
Bug : 5508 : Backend mailQueue is not translated
Bug : 5516 : Layout „default_element” not found in Group Edit Details page (backend)

Enhancement : 5546 : Sort front-end category listing alphabetically
Enhancement : 5563 : Add userpoint rule for event update
Bug : 5490 : Events time zone issue
Bug : 5491 : Event list not shows the time format correctly
Bug : 5497 : Event creation at sharebox doesn’t set up admin
Bug : 5559 : Can not revert event admin to member
Bug : 5561 : Notice message not displayed under event view guest

Bug : 5560 : Double „View all groups on frontpage”

Bug : 5540 : Banned users from a Group should not allow post discussion or comments

Enhancement : 5486 : Update message count on toolbar when a message is deleted
Enhancement : 5502 : Inbox – Sent Message, crashes on huge number of records

Security Fix : 5469 : Run input filter on all ajax input
Enhancement : 5547 : Format cron output in XML
Enhancement : 5553 : Notification design glitch when there are too many notification
Enhancement : 5574 : Use HTML-based popup for facebook friends invite to ensure maximum browser compatibility
Bug : 5466 : Some code contain hard-coded jos_ database prefix
Bug : 5496 : URL getting double-quotted twice
Bug : 5551 : Remove all hard-coded path to Joomla! library
Bug : 5566 : Explicitly set ajax response mime type
Bug : 5570 : Firefox might get locked during aggressive window resizing
Bug : 5575 : Certain valid email address might not validated in page share via email

Bug : 5501 : Guest is able to edit photo caption/title

Bug : 5468 : Field 'Birthdate’ should have conditional title depending on view
Bug : 5475 : Advanced Search > Birthday : selecting Equal / Less than or Equal / Greater than or Equal returns an error
Bug : 5479 : When insert day more than 30 in birthdate, it will return error on profile page
Bug : 5480 : .png avatar corrupted during user registr. (multiprofile)
Bug : 5505 : „Change profile video” menu item still showing even when video support is disabled
Bug : 5510 : Privacy fields for Videos & Photos should be removed if Videos & Photos are disabled
Bug : 5529 : Privacy Settings on User Information is not working
Bug : 5573 : User geolocation data not updated during profile registration

Bug : 5482 : Registration Page Terms & Condition shows blank
Bug : 5536 : Registration might fail when page caching is enabled

Enhancement : 5524 : Use normal string instead of read-only input box
Bug : 5472 : Missing language translation
Bug : 5513 : Latest videos, groups and members don’t show up on frontpage
Bug : 5523 : Select „All” in invite friends window will scroll the browser down
Bug : 5530 : Input box overlap with avatar image in Joomla! 1.6 backend
Bug : 5532 : Broken privacy setting in Share, in all IE

Lista użytkowników
Bug : 5543 : Disabled User still shows on phototagging, profile friendscount and Group member

Enhancement : 5495 : Resize video thumbnail to fit backend configuration
Enhancement : 5531 : Support malformed youtube url with ?&v=xxxx
Enhancement : 5545 : Sort front-end category listing alphabetically
Bug : 5478 : Adding video fails
Bug : 5500 : Changes in youtube sharing URL structure
Bug : 5556 : Location information cannot be edited

JomSocial 2.2.2 beta 3 można jak zwykle pobrać ze strony forum działu: Development Beta Testers Chat JomSocial 2.2.x JomSocial 2.2.2 Beta 3

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