Od 9 grudnia dostępna jest wersja 1.6 – oczywiście do testów, a więc mająca status beta. Ponieważ dopiero dziś ją pobrałem, testy zostawię sobie na weekend. Kiedy pojawi się wersja stabilna? To pytanie też często pojawia się na oficjalnym forum, są głosy, że jednak nie w tym roku, a połowie stycznia 2010 r., będzie można pobrać i bez obawy instalować tą dystrybucje. Czy skok numeracji z 1.5 do 1.6 jest duży? Myślę, że tak. Nie jest to już trik marketingowy jak było z przeskokiem z wersji 1.2 na JomSocial 1.5, nieco zabawnym zresztą. Widocznie ludzie w Malezji lubią matematykę 5 latka, hihi. Zobacz zmiany (nowości tej wersji).
Przepraszam, że na razie po angielsku, ale… zabrakło mi czasu.
- Customize profile fields.
- Create groups. Invite friends.
- Send private messages. Comment on walls.
- Share photos. Follow updates via activity stream.
- Integrate 3rd party components with our robust API.
and much more…
Changelog (wersji 1.6.250 beta):
3669: Add a link to the album in the photo upload page
When selecting albums during photo upload, system will display a view album link which allows user to easily browse the photos in the album.
3635: Restyle video view
Video description has been restyled so that it will appear below the videos. This will prevent conflicts with certain 3rd party templates.
3654: Allow admin to sort user
Column heading in back end user manager is sortable.
3668: After ’start upload’ button is clicked, unused links and button should be disabled
When start upload is clicked in html uploader, the rest of the form will automatically be disabled so user will not accidentally click on the page.
3670: Allow deletion of group with no member by the group owner
Group owner can now delete the group if there are no members in the group.
3718: Apply word-filter to profile page title
When word filter plugin is enabled, it will also filter the profile page title now.
3644: Default value for custom fields
Default values for select list and date’s month will automatically be ‘Select below’ instead of the value itself.
3647: Allow admin to assign users into specific group
Site administrator may now assign users into groups from the back end.
3678: Specify number of photo and videos to be displayed in the group
Group administrators can now specify the number of photos or videos to be displayed.
3696: Display author of the photo
Photos will display author’s display name when browsing group photos.
3700: Allow admin to filter users by user type
Site administrator can now filter users by type.
3731: Video image thumbnail when bookmarking to social bookmarking sites
When bookmarking a video page, it should show the video thumbnail so that these thumbnails can appear on the bookmarking sites.
3681: Uninstalled or unpublished plugins still show in “My Applications”
Uninstalled plugins will no longer appear under ‘My Applications’
3665: When a photo album is deleted, it should be removed from Featured list if necessary
When a photo album is removed, it will automatically be removed from the featured list.
3671: Inconsistant delete button styling
Delete button is now standardized to only use image.
3673: Using feed view format crash some pages
When format=view is placed in the query string for pages that does not have feed, errors are no longer generated.
3712: Adding wall on private groups photo should not be in activity stream
When a comment is made on a private group photo, it will not get added into the activity stream.
3690: Group discussion mail contains user real name
New discussion email should contain the name display field type that is configured by site administrator.
3692: Saving group info in the back end does not work
Editing a group in the back end should work correctly now.
3693: Deleting groups from back end throws errors.
Group deletion from the back end should delete the groups properly now.
3695: Activity content read more
Activity content generated are properly passed for 3rd party activity generated activities.
3698: Group members can’t post comment on photos
Group members are now allowed to post comment on group photos.
3699: Featured profile activity stream should not have ‘more’
Featured profile activity content should not contain any ‘More’ link.
3715: Account deletion should only send emails to admin / superadmin
When deleting an account, notifications will only be sent to admin and super administrators from the site.
3719: URLs in email is linked incorrectly when user request to delete account
URLs are correctly generated now in the email that is sent to site administrators when user request to delete their account.
Moim zdaniem jest duży, chociażby pod względem nieograniczonego zagnieżdżenia kategorii, zupełnie nowe zarządzanie menu, no i w końcu grupy z prawdziwego zdarzenia.